Sep 21, 2014

and truth, and not

Danish, Rod, and I made this last night–the final night of her stay here in England before returning to California. I am so lucky to have this amazingly beautiful human as one of my oldest friends.

The lighting movement is improvised. (Rodrigo)
The lens baby movement is improvised. (Angie)
The camera movement is improvised. (Angie)
The vocalizations are improvised. (Danishta)

Danishta Rivero – vocals
Rodrigo Constanzo – lights

Sep 5, 2014

Videos for Linda Jankowska

This is a work by Mauricio Pauly for violin + guitar pedals. This is Linda Jankowska playing a portion of it at Le Bruit de la Musique festival (Le Quan Ninh‘s festival!):

Linda Jankowska‘s set at The Noise Upstairs. Puzzles of Creativity Hang by a Thread:

and Where Did the Love Go from the same set.

Snare-Feedback-String Pattern

Snare-Violin-Feedback Pattern

Untitled (2:07)

Aug 22, 2014

Creuse, France


Drew this during my stay in Creuse, France. I was there with Distractfold and I filmed the Le Bruit de Musique Festival hosted by Lê Quan Ninh.

I was re-reading Valis and learning about the stages of decay

Aug 16, 2014


time traveler
At night, a tiny slug sat atop–and was illuminated by–the vast expanse of my iphone’s display…it all said everything’s going to be ok.

and on another day…

3 birdhouses







I was sitting outside in May and saw –just as so many people must have thought before me–that if you spend some time looking into these things that are growing that you could find deep whirlpools for your interest (the geometry of growth, the why of this or that, etc) if you wanted that, or you could just sit and more passively have an experience. Either way you could never touch bottom. Lately, when I feel myself getting pulled such a little–really, unassuming–whirlpool, I’m trying to make it a point to draw that thing that acts like a nexus, and follow it in.  Though I don’t think there is anything more authentic than interfacing with its face. It is the face of reality, infinitely authentic at every level. And also not drawing it for the sake of the depiction, but as a method to spend time out there with it.  Out there….within….I want that contour to dissolve.

Then I made a print so I could share something of it with other people. It’s a separate idea maybe, but coming from the same place. It’s like I’m pointing to the same thing the nexus opened to. Not restricted by location…a non-local…node…connection…. (And now this idea disintegrating into my own uncongealed thinking/feeling about it.)

This post is that too.


May 19, 2014


Friend, Mauricio Pauly invited me to make this documentary of a project he was a part of with two other composers and two performers. This experiment in collaboration shows the early stages of the process that would eventually birth three new contemporary music works.

Here is the post I made November 23, 2013 for the teaser…
Here’s the teaser for a video I’m making that documents the interaction between three composers and two performers in a sort of experiment in collaboration.


Most recent ‘Out In the World’:
Interviewed by the wonderful Lux Occult podcast (ep. 78) where I talk about the vulnerability in making new kinds of work.

Nothing Rhymes With Rats (Trade Paperback)
This 140 page, perfect bound book collects the comic strips that take our rats on a journey of self discovery–from the cage and nihilism to transcendent hope. Get it HERE.

Paradoxical Book 1
Reluctant, time-travelling, twins have to solve a paranormal murder mystery set in 1920s Miami. It was co-created with writer Jason Chestnut. We’ve included the first two issues in this 52 page comic book. Get it HERE.

Bastet’s Rats Nest 
Our two rats are at it again. This time caught-up in a National Treasure type caper that takes them deeper and deeper into the occult. Co-created with Ramsey Janini, it’s a wild ride. Get the 52 page comic HERE.