Jul 8, 2011

TSC with BlankMedia: Cara B = Side B

Video made by Castles Built In Sand

This July we were invited to be a part of an exhibition event put together by the Blank Media Collective. It included a static work exhibition, live performance events, a Q&A session, and a collaboration event with the improv organization The Noise Upstairs, which gave artists and musicians the opportunity to experiment with playing with one another by pairing them randomly by pulling names out of a hat. Some TSC performance footage found in the video above starting at 7:35.


May 25, 2011

5 Spheres

5 Spheres was written in order to contextualize my practice, in the Spring of 2011. I’m currently pursuing a MA in Contemporary Fine Art at the University of Salford, under the supervision of Helmut Lemke and Louise Brookes.

Apr 7, 2011

TSC at the University of Sheffield

Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern presented by Small Ideas– University of Sheffield. April 7, 2011

Mar 7, 2011


T.B.M.F.B. – Music off of Rodrigo Constanzo and P.A. Tremblay‘s album, “Drum & Bass and the Horse you Rod in On”. Shot by me and featuring Rob Plant.

Jan 30, 2011


  • The painting is missing its sound, but it is not retrievable.
  • The audio recording is not the sound of the painting because the painting is seen all at once.
  • The two are divorced from one another.
  • The only way to associate sounds with the painting is to be there when it’s made, and hear the sounds for the marks as they’re being made.
  • The completed painting has no sound.
  • The two are related: the recorded sound and the complete painting.

From my reflective statement, written in 2011.

Nothing Rhymes With Rats (Trade Paperback)
This 140 page, perfect bound book collects the comic strips that take our rats on a journey of self discovery–from the cage and nihilism to transcendent hope. Get it HERE.

Paradoxical Book 1
Reluctant, time-travelling, twins have to solve a paranormal murder mystery set in 1920s Miami. It was co-created with writer Jason Chestnut. We’ve included the first two issues in this 52 page comic book. Get it HERE.

Bastet’s Rats Nest 
Our two rats are at it again. This time caught-up in a National Treasure type caper that takes them deeper and deeper into the occult. Co-created with Ramsey Janini, it’s a wild ride. Get the 52 page comic HERE.