Nov 25, 2010

TSC at the NUStival

Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern at the NUStival. Manchester. November 25, 2010

TSC NUStival

The Innie and the Outie I was performed at NUStival in Manchester on Nov. 14, 2010.  It was the first time I strung a wire onto the canvas as part of the performance.

The night also included a performance from Domestic Violence, who are some very awesome and talented people. We went out for drinks afterward where we learned this fact, and had them crash at our house since they had to get  back in the morning. Tikul had this to say about our performance on her blog. I’m really glad she liked it!

“thanks to those guys who invited us we could perform on their noise event and see their project performance – Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern.. which i truly loved… while Rodrigo and Anton were creating amazing sound scapes on guitar pedal effects and iPad with various audio applications, Angela was harshly and sensually painting the canvas with water paint her hands and brushes.. and random objects [nails, string].. contact mikes were placed under the canvas so every motion she made was translated into sound.. all streams altogether changed into very clean and energetic clangour sonic journey… this act is ideally reflecting my idea of having sound/vision combined with physical movement..”


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