Aug 10, 2015

little Rodrigos

…because everyone should have a little Rodrigo in their life.
I’ve been threatening to make these for over a year and have finally done it. This is my first attempt at resin casting, and also I don’t do too much 3D work anyway…in fact, none at all. Perhaps that will change because this process was really really exciting.


SO–These are the guts! Just a little aluminium foil and some toothpicks to keep it all together.


Then I sculpted him in sculptey


Here he is being shown from whence he came! The silicon mold. He lost a hand in the process of removing him from this thing. That’s ok though.


LEGION! I made these in resin. Some are pink and some I kept in the opaque resin’s off-white.

I just needed to clean them up a little and paint in the eyes then they’re ready to go out to friends.


^above pic taken by Richard Craig

The eyes = the soul


The butt = the what-what

Jul 21, 2015

Yoshi through the door

Something through the door
and then a flash of recognition
“Oh Yoshi, it’s you!”


Angie and Rod, Millie and Mako, and the beach in picture frames.

Jul 5, 2015

beads and breathing

Making these fulfils something in my long making-things-cycle (there are other cycles, like my daily routine, but my long cycle spans several months). In tandem I am also drawing nature (mostly flora) from observation, reading more than at other points, and running for distance rather than speed. All this stuff goes together right now. It all has to do with an enjoyment of breathing….I think. It’s like I’m drinking out of a big novelty straw as opposed to one of those little cocktail straws. And that is so close to how it actually feels that that is barely a simile.


1. sister’s replica – green, hematite, wood
2. asymmetrical – Red, white, little blue, green, wood
3. healing – Green, little pink, blue, little pink, Green, little pink, then [Trio: orange, green, pink suspension]
4. [not pictured, given to Dan Brew which he wears as a bracelet]
5. an approximation of coral – white, little black, white, little black
6. tropical baby – white, peach, white, green, peach, green
7. my neck, and then – orange, orange, teal, teal, cloudy, teal, cloudy
8. in lieu of touch – Orange, blue, white, blue, Orange
9. Rod’s Pink and Wood – Wood, pink, [dark] Wood, Pink
10. crunch berries – blue polygon, [magenta/red] polygon

It rains a lot in Manchester so most of these have been made in the rain. Consequently, the rain plays with the ink.


This is one of my favorite flowers–it just grows in my backyard. I don’t know what it is called, so if you know please send me a message They are called Aquilegia! (Thank you Rebecca for asking your grandmother who is a flower expert!). They look like little delicate pink hearts at the end of green veins.



Puffins! Drawn on the Farne Islands in Northern England. It was also rainy.

Nesting Cormorants

Jun 10, 2015

for mira

As ever, for you.

Before beginning, I explained to Mira (the performer) and Cassandra (the composer) my intentions and motivations for wanting to make this.
“I’m doing this so I can untangle some knots.”
“Ok”, they said.

Like Rod’s ‘the keys to everything that ever existed’, this piece is a rite. He is my twin, and sometimes we make art from the same place. This place in particular…we saw this place together, and things kept happening in our lives that just seemed to be the universe folding over, necessitating serendipities.


A birdhouse, which months prior I had drawn as part of a set of three, falls with perfect timing. (Reminder: a constellation is an image you can’t touch.)



Millie walked a dead bird into the house in her mouth and dropped it next to me. I didn’t know what I was looking at at first.


Nirvana was a very important part of my life. Of course I would know that Where Did You Sleep Last Night (which is the ‘source material’ for for mira), was performed on a stage that Kurt Cobain requested resemble a wake. This is why there is an abundance of stargazer lilies up on stage with him.

As Cassandra explains, “the music takes a short sample of Kurt Cobain’s singing voice [from the song “Where Did You Sleep Last Night” as sang on the MTV Unplugged recording] and reveals facets of its quality and structure through repetition.”

Stargazer lilies here…

Kurt Cobain On 'MTV Unplugged'

and used again in our video.
For me, making the video for for mira was a way of saying good-bye; so the inclusion of this reference is quite meaningful to me.


A burning heart. A complete, un-compromised heart.  In the world I create, there are no fragments or missing pieces.


This video is a marker in time–Another version of me has come out of the middle of the making of this video. This is how I make art. I hope that it will change me. And coming out of this video, I feel it is the telling of a story of a memory. Meaning, I now feel the distance from it’s catalyst events, and underwent the physio-alchemical act of housing this ghost in my long-term memory. That’s what making this video finally did to me. That, or the two things just so happened in parallel. Anyway, the end result is the same: this is where I release
Time resonances become more and more faint.

Though as Terence McKenna said, if you pay close enough attention you can feel that Rome falls nine times an hour.

10846049_216793398491238_4984027722100421728_nabove, from Rod’s score the keys to everything that ever existed


I’m adding this final thought 6 years after having made the video. I’m a very lucky person to have met, and become friends with Cassandra and Mira. Since then our lives have moved on, but I absolutely loved this part of my life. As I said, this video is a marker in time.

On March 13th I shot most of the footage for ‘For Mira‘.
It is a work performed by violinist, Mira Benjamin
and was composed by Cassandra Miller.

Making for mira into a music video opens up the possibility of exploring the piece’s repetition in a way that is unique to this medium. Cassandra, Mira, and Rodrigo are working closely to treat the final audio with that in mind.

There are still a few shots I want to get, and then of course there is the editing (which is really where the heavy lifting occurs), but here are a few production shots in the meantime while it all comes together.

Hands on deck that day: Rodrigo Constanzo, Richard Craig, Cassandra Miller, Mira Benjamin, myself.







Jun 3, 2015

Videos for Scott Mc Laughlin

June 3, 2015 – Part 2 of ScottHeather, and Mic’s collaboration. Read what Scott had to say about it here.

March 9,2015 – ScottHeather, and Mic collaborate on a piece. Lots of stuff on multi-phonics in this first episode which condenses a workshop they conducted at the University of Leeds.

March 15, 2015 – a promo vid for an installation Scott is doing with cellist Seth Parker Woods

November 23, 2013 – Surfaces of Emergence by Scott Mc Laughlin. Performed at the Huddersield Contemporary Music Festival by Alex Harker, Stephen Harvey, Hali Santamas, and others…


Nothing Rhymes With Rats (Trade Paperback)
This 140 page, perfect bound book collects the comic strips that take our rats on a journey of self discovery–from the cage and nihilism to transcendent hope. Get it HERE.

Paradoxical Book 1
Reluctant, time-travelling, twins have to solve a paranormal murder mystery set in 1920s Miami. It was co-created with writer Jason Chestnut. We’ve included the first two issues in this 52 page comic book. Get it HERE.

Bastet’s Rats Nest 
Our two rats are at it again. This time caught-up in a National Treasure type caper that takes them deeper and deeper into the occult. Co-created with Ramsey Janini, it’s a wild ride. Get the 52 page comic HERE.